John Workman
John Workman grave stone, and a more recent photo, New Stone
John Workman (history)  Born 8 Apr 1789 Allegany County, Maryland, USA Died 21 Apr 1855 Salt Lake City, Salt Lake, Utah Lydia Ann Bilyeu Born 18 Aug 1793 , Green, Kentucky, USA Died 30 Sep 1845 Nauvoo, Hancock, Illinois, USA Married 7/11 Mar 1809 Overton County, Tennessee, USA |
| Richard Workman - 1st child, died at age 2 |
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This system of pages shows Jacob Lindsay Workman, b. 7 July 1812, and wives and family:
The family of Jacob Lindsay and Nancy Reader Workman.
The family of Jacob Lindsay and Fannie Harris Workman.
The family of Jacob Lindsay and Rebecca Willard Turner Workman.
Census Records
Head stone, Foot stone
The 2nd child of John Workman |
| Elizabeth Workman - 3rd child |
| John Butler Workman - 4th child |
| Samuel Workman - 5th child |
| Lydia Workman - 6th child |
| Hannah Workman - 7th child |
| Abram Smith Workman - 8th child |
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These photos are of Andrew Jackson Workman, b. 15 Jul, 1824, and his second wife Sariah Anna Johnson Eagar Workman, b. 18 Feb, 1832. They were married 17 Mar, 1866. Andrew J. was a member of the Mormon Battalion.
Andrew Jackson Workman History from 1936 WPA document
Family chart
The 9th child of John Workman |
| Cornelius Workman - 10th child |
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This photo is of Oliver Gaultry Workman, b. 7 Jan 1828, and his second wife Isabella Ovington, b. 20 Jul 1840. They were married 23 Sep 1857. Oliver was a member of the Mormon Battalion (picture and annotation courtesy of Becky Shields).
The 11th child of John Workman |
| Polly Workman - 12th child |
| Stephen Workman - 13th child, died at age 13 |
| Peter Workman - 14th child, died at birth |
| Solomon Workman - 15th child, died at age 11 |
| Joseph Workman - 16th child |
These photos are of Louisa De Aubre Workman b. 5 July 1834, and her husband George Anthony Willson b. 3 March 1821. They were married 30 June 1850.
The 17th child of John Workman |
| David Workman - 18th child, died at birth |
| Benjamin Workman - 19th child, died at birth |
Hyrum Smith Workman family chart. He was born 12 July, 1839, and his wife Emily Herbert, born 31 Oct., 1841. They were married 27 Jan, 1864.
The 20th child of John Workman |
NOTE: Most of these are also in Photoshop (psd) format, in a higher resolution, available upon request.