Gathering the Families

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John and Lydia Bilyeu Workman were married in March, 1809, and this industrious couple had 20 children and raised 13 to adulthood. These 13 children continued the tradition and there are now almost 10,000 descendants of this couple. Most of the many Workman people in the Great Basin are descendents of this couple.

The names of John & Lydia's grown children are listed below for assistance in possibly determining your line (in birth date order with the state in which they died):

Jacob Lindsay (Utah)       Elizabeth (IL)           John Butler (NE)
Samuel (IL)                Lydia (IL?)              Hannah (Utah)
Abram Smith (Utah)         Andrew Jackson (UT)      Cornelius (?)
Oliver Gaultry (Utah)      Mary Ann (Polly) (?)     Louisa (Idaho)
                           Hyrum Smith (Utah)
The descendants of this couple are now located in many areas of the U. S. There are Workman Family Organizations in the Eastern U.S.

On Saturday, June 11th, 2005, The John and Lydia Workman Family Organization was organized in Utah. The Organization will consist of a Board of Directors with a Board Member from each of the above families and four Board Members at Large. The Board Members at Large consist of the individuals in the contact list.

The Board Member elected to represent the Jacob Lindsay Family is Mary Jeanne Jenness.

President of the Organization Larry Streadbeck, V.P. Mark Workman, Secretary Kit Workman and Treasurer Dale Workman form the initial Operating Group.

Plans include holding a Workman Family Reunion on 9/17/2005 at which time Board Members will be elected for the families represented at the reunion. Much effort will be made to notify as many Workman Family members as possible of this reunion so the Board of Directors can be constituted fully. The Board of Directors as currently constituted at any time will direct the functions of the Organization.

We receive member information all the time as it is sent to those representatives listed under 'Contact Information' on this page.

Send new member info to all three of the addresses in the Contact list.

A complete write-up of the Organization Minutes will be prepared and posted to this website after approval at the July 16th board meeting.

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